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Pure Indonesian Craftmanship, Be Proud

Pribadi first starts as an attempt from its three Indonesian founders to answer the needs of proud Indonesian leather brand that offers not only a prestigious brand image but also provide you with the best quality products that you can choose over other international brands.


Pribadi believes that Pribadi would be the pioneer of positive appreciation towards luxurious Indonesian leather brand. Not only that, Pribadi believes that luxurious leather brand should not just focusing on elegance but also the real perks of leather products, simplicity and strength.


Not only by using the best materials, every Pribadi product is carefuly crafted with an amazing attention to details and quality. Each piece of leather in Pribadi is a finely staged elegance crafted out of pure Indonesian craftmanship. Pribadi makes sure that you can proudly use Pribadi as a brand that reflects your inner elegance.

© 2019 by Pribadi

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